Good or Great?
NEW EXCERPT from my forthcoming book, “Transforming Your HR Department into a Profit Center.” Here’s: A Tale of Two Companies. Learn the value of how a company’s treatment of its employees impacts performance:
Do you want to have a good company, or do you want to have an extraordinary company with extraordinary people? In Jim Collins book, Good to Great, he says that good is the enemy of great.
There’s nothing wrong with good, but if you want to be extraordinary, and leave your competition in dust, as a CEO you’ll need to own your own role as CHRO and then have HR execute your strategy.
Whether you’re a small business with an employee wearing multiple hats, including HR responsibilities, or a large organization with a dedicated HR team, the fundamental HR best practices to apply remain the same. Follow these, maintain your commitment with a “CEO as CHRO” mindset, and you’ll leave good behind on your journey to great.